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Fall 2023 Campus Reopening


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Where Innovation Meets Humanity
Seattle U connects one of the world’s top cities for technology and innovation with the world’s most respected values-based education system and network. Great teaching and transformative learning empower you for career success. Accomplished faculty challenge you to think critically, discover your passion and embrace a life of purpose and service to others. We’re not here just to prepare you for a constantly changing world, we’re here to help you shape it for the better.

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89% of undergraduates receive financial aid.
Success Rate

97% of SU graduates are employed, enrolled in a full-time graduate program or engaged in post-graduate service within 6 months of graduation.

SU Class of 2018 “First Destination Survey”

Top 5
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Laptop screen shows instructor facing camera and writing on specialized transparent whiteboard.

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Care of the whole student no exception, even in remote instruction.

Hallie works on a pose while partaking in an online yoga class

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Student Hallie MacPherson, '20, shares what it’s like to graduate and enter the workforce amid a pandemic.

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President Stephen V. Sundborg, S.J, today sent the following message to students, faculty and staff of Seattle University.

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New career mentorship platform connects students and alumni.

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Legal action, including a lawsuit by a coalition of West Coast universities, including Seattle U, convinced the federal government to rescind an order that would have prohibited international students from remaining in status or obtaining a visa to study in the U.S. if they are receiving remote-only instruction this fall.

Going the Distance

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A national search for the 22nd president of Seattle University is underway.


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    Christian Community and Worship at Seattle University (for All Undergraduates)